I have never been a car fanatic. I have never spent countless dollars attaching a spoiler, adding rims or installing an expensive stereo system on any of the autos that I have owned.
I do however, have long term relationships with them. Some of those relationships were a bit abusive (on my side, when I was younger) and some were longer lasting than others.
A somewhat brief history:
My first car in 1987 was a rust-colored ’83 Toyota Tercel, that my father bought for me after I graduated and started working while taking college courses. As my parents had been naming their vehicles in alphabetical order since they had married, I gave him an ‘A’ name, Aloysius. Aloysius was my first ‘car love.’ He had a sun-roof, was easy on the gas and afforded me the freedom that I so craved when I was 17. Though he is sorely missed, I am glad he isn’t around to tell of the tales of my late teens and early twenties exploits that he was witness to and (an innocent) part of.
I ran Aloysius into the ground. My next car in 1991 was a Toyota Corolla; she was bright red and had a manual stick shift. This time, though my Dad made the down payment, I was responsible for the monthly $100 monthly loan payments. She had only 30,000 miles on her when I got her, but someone must have loved her as a racing car. She had spoilers, loud speakers and several two-lettered monikers after her make and model. Betty Boop was fast, sassy and sexy (as was I at the time.)
By the time Betty Boop was nearing the end of her life in 1996 (Like I said, I was really hard on and neglectful of, my autos in my youth) I was married and had given birth to my only Daughter.
My Daughter’s Father and I purchased an early SUV, an Isuzu Trooper together, shortly before her birth. We imbued him with the moniker “Big Al.” And it was Big Al who made the trip from the hospital to home with my Tay after she was born.
Taylor’s father and I parted ways when she was only 2. Betty Boop had expired and Big Al was our only shared vehicle. Thankfully, my ex’s parents gave him an aging Volvo.
In 1998, my beloved Grandmother decided that Neons were the cutest things on 4 wheels...and thus, she purchased one for me outright. We went to Carmax one day...I commented on a pretty bright blue one...and all of a sudden she was mine. I named her ‘Betty Blue.’ I had decided on going back to a B name after my separation from Taylor’s Father. I figured I would re-start with the naming process.
Betty was my car through Taylor’s younger years. I was SO proud of her, and the fact that she was owned outright (due to my Grandmother’s generosity.)
From 1998 through 2003, Betty was my vehicle. She gamely took me to work and traveled with me as I picked and dropped off my Daughter at school or with one of her loving Grandmothers.
In the beginning of 2003, she started to fail and show signs of needed repairs that were beyond my (at the time) meager means.
In February of 2003, I was driving past one of the car lots on the street just to the East of me and espied a beautiful Chrysler Sebring Convertible. Her top was down and her pretty sage green paint sparkled in the sun.
I pulled in and a few hours later, Casey was my new pride and joy.
I remember the next morning when Taylor and I got up to go to work / school and we greeted Casey in the parking lot of our development. Taylor turned her big brown eyes towards me, “Is she REALLY ours, Mommy?” she inquired. “Yes she is,” I replied.
As she is a convertible, Casey has been my later-in-life (late 30s) sexy car. She was the first car that I owned outright, without a father or a husband. It was thrilling to drive her with the top down. No matter my frame of mind, every time I drove her topless...I was elated and any previously dark mood turned sunny.
She and I have been together for almost 8 years now. Just recently, she has shown some signs of age - brought about more quickly because of the strains that my new husband has challenged her with. He drove her through a deep rain-water puddle (the water was up to the doors) about a year ago. Her engine coughed and sputtered...and died. We gave her a new engine (heart transplant) and she ran as much as she could and very tenuously. These lat few months she has expelled some unseemly noises...of an over-wrought transplant engine and of something knocking about where her tail light was replaced.
She gave me a last hurrah on the way home during my lunch hour on Friday. She started leaking fluids and stank of gas and / or oil.
I took a half day off on Friday. I knew it was time. Time to put my beloved Casey to pasture - and time to finally realize my dream of owning a Hybrid.
My sister works for Toyota...so when I knew I had to purchase a new car - it was an easier decision. I was blessed with employee pricing, along with zero percent interest.
So yesterday, I became the proud owner of Daisy - the Toyota Prius Hybrid.
My monthly payments will mean a definite change in budget for our little family.
But I am happy with my purchase and with my decision.
I look forward to many miles with Daisy - and I am praying that she keeps me and my Daughter safe in the years to come. (Taylor will likely get her license while driving Miss Daisy - no pun intended.)
So tell me about your important cars and what they meant to you....
How great that you got a Prius! Congratulations! My first car (in high school) was shared with my mom, but she was (ahem) a pink Rambler convertible named Rosie... then when I married my first husband, I had a practical green Volkswagen bug - but then I tired of the practical life and the practical husband and ran off with Dick, who now has been for 34 years my not-very-practical-at-all husband. My favorite two cars during our early life together were a Triumph TR3 convertible, which I owned when we lived on the beach in LA - and a red Jeep Wrangler that I owned when we lived in Madrone Canyon in Marin County. I have also had a parade of terrific Hondas and Acuras... but my favorite car of all time is the old lady fun car I currently own (which is now paid for - yay) my little yellow Mini Cooper S Convertible. Amazing how they kind of define your life, isn't it?
Thanks for the comment, Cath. I love the little insights. :)
Yes, it is funny how different cars we have owned along the way can become markers of certain times in our lives.
A Mini Convertible was close in the running for me. The tipping point was the fact that my sis works for JM Family which meant employee pricing and can't-pass-up financing.
But, Daisy is fabulous and I'm glad you got to meet her!
:-) So glad you love your new car! (Also I'm green with envy.) Although I love my little Corolla -I named her Cinderella, my Volkswagen GTI-VR6, which I named Belle, holds a special place in my heart. Grandma T bought her for me. I believe as well that our cars define our different phases in life. My current vehicle is safe, reliable and affordable. Kind of how I'm trying to live my life.
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