Thursday, November 4, 2010


I am so sorry, I didn’t vote on Tuesday. (I was traveling.) But in case anyone in interested…here are my thoughts.

This last election was so fraught with finger pointing and pontification that I was glad that I didn’t get to vote. The platforms of the electees were so lost in accusations; I didn’t know who stood for what.

But below are my beliefs:

  • I am in favor for a woman’s right to choose. The day that Roe vs Wade is overturned is the day that I will run for office! And you can quote me on that. I.e. Stay Out of My Womb!
  • I am in favor of same sex couples being able to marry and being able to have the same rights of hetero-sexual couples. Geez, same sex couples have been around since Moses left Egypt! Give it a rest, stop crucifying them! And for god-sakes, stop bullying young teens that come out. We have already lost enough beautiful young men and women – it is shameful.
  • I am in favor of marijuana being legalized, and having the same laws governing it as we do for alcohol. So many people I know smoke or take the occasional toke. (I don’t, it never did agree with me) But, in-act laws around it to ensure no one “smokes and drives.”
  • I am in favor of welcoming all aliens. We are the US of A, we’ll find a way. (Plus, I am the daughter of a once-upon-a-time alien from Cuba.)
  • I am in favor of banning all fire arms. I know that the right to bear arms is in the Constitution…but that was written in the days when that was the only way to keep the peace. (If you need a reference on how a country survives without guns – just look at the Netherlands.)

Okay, so given the above I would be labeled a Democrat (which is what is stated on my voting card), but really I am a pacifist. Make love and not war and all of that.

But my bottom line is this, we are:

One Human Family.

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