(The above is a great shot that Taylor took which showcases her talent and includes the puzzle mentioned in the below post)
I spent some time this morning feeling down, whining and kvetching due to some double-whammy news I received yesterday. I was bemoaning the fact that much of my “disposable” (ha) income for the next few weeks will be going towards roof repair and my daughter’s wisdom teeth needing to be pulled.
Then my kvetching amplified.
My Boo-hoos:
I haven’t had time to write…work is so unrelentingly busy…my home is a mess…I am so unappreciated…I work out every day and no one notices…nobody likes me and I’m gonna go eat worms.
And no, smart asses, I am not PMSing right now.
After spilling my tale of woe to a good friend, she gave me some much needed chiding.
The roof repairs? Are BECAUSE I have a roof over my head. Taylor’s dental work? Is BECAUSE I have a beautiful, healthy daughter. My life is fine…and in fact it is actually very comfortable.
This brought me back from Planet Bitches-O-Lot.
My gripes are clearly of the ‘First World’ variety. (As opposed to the Third World kind – lack of clean water to drink, dubious shelter, not knowing where your meals will come from or even if they will come, fearing for your own life and the lives of your children…and so many other worries that thankfully are not part of my everyday reality.)
I look around me this evening. Husband obsessively finishing a puzzle. Daughter ‘allowing’ me to make her a quick dinner, which she consumes while watching her step-father and I triumphantly throw the last pieces of the puzzle into place.
We all have our health. We have an incredible, loving family and dear friends spreading wide on both sides of our nucleus.
I won’t remember having to fix the roof or pay for Tay’s dental work in 5 years time.
What I will recall in 5 years and what will stay with me are all of the other small things, the tangibles and intangibles of being blessed.
In other words I need to quitcherbitchen.
I promise will post about my emotional reunion with Taylor and our subsequent stay in a beautiful home on a Lake in Maine – I just had the moment of passion to write about my state of mind right now.