Tonight was a celebration of women-hood for me and 12 other women when we went to see Sex and the City 2. I totally enjoyed the movie, clapped and laughed out loud in the appropriate parts.
I walked out of the theater and checked my phone, as I always do when my daughter is away from me.
My iPhone proclaimed that I had one missed call and a voice mail from Amy. Amy is my daughter’s step-mother…and as much as I had always hoped for a close relationship with her, it has never been so. So, upon seeing her number on my phone, I had a chill of advance warning. As I rode the escalator down from the theater, I listened to the very unexpected message she had left, and I heard the dreaded news. Taylor’s Grandfather, who had been battling cancer and then pneumonia, had passed late the previous evening. Amy had the forethought to call me and let me know in advance of her and her husband breaking the news to Taylor. My heart broke.
I struggled to keep my emotions in check, and from the tears rolling down my cheeks. I got into my friend Deb’s car to go back to my house for an “after party.”
I called Amy on the way back to my home. I am very grateful that as challenging as it must have been for her, Amy handed the phone over to her husband…my ex…I was not able to control my emotions by this point and just said, “I am so sorry…let me know if there is anything I can do.” He just said, “It’s really sad.”
I spoke to Taylor later this evening. She kept saying, “I’m FINE Mom.”
But she was choking on the words.
I wish that I could be there for her – to hold and reassure her. But right now, given that she is with her Dad and his family, all I can do is pray.
When I found out that I was pregnant with Tay, her Father and I chose to share the news with our parents in a very individual and special way.
We gave each of them hand written notes, sharing with them which of the traits that they had that we hoped that our daughter would inherit. To Richard we wrote that we hoped our unborn daughter would get his artistic skills and dry humor.
Tay has both of those traits – in spades.
Richard Oakley, thank you for making hand-made birthday cards for your grand-daughter, thank you for picking her up from school when I couldn’t, thank you for teaching her to fish….thank you for providing a wonderful example of how to love.
Thank you for being such a wonderful Grandfather. You are already missed so very, very much.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
For the love of Killer (Whales)

I don’t remember exactly when I began my love affair with killer whales. I only know that it has been long and passionate.
Like many Floridians, my family made annual sojourns to Walt Disney World and Sea World. My parents would pack the wood paneled station wagon full of their ever numbering daughters to make the three hour trip to Orlando. Dad always did the driving and Mom would do the over-packing. My Mother’s priorities when it came to traveling with her family seem a little funny to me now. We HAD to wear flip flops every step when walking around in the hotel room and even had to wear them into the shower…lest we catch Athletes Foot. (We even called them “shower shoes”)
Like many Floridians, my family made annual sojourns to Walt Disney World and Sea World. My parents would pack the wood paneled station wagon full of their ever numbering daughters to make the three hour trip to Orlando. Dad always did the driving and Mom would do the over-packing. My Mother’s priorities when it came to traveling with her family seem a little funny to me now. We HAD to wear flip flops every step when walking around in the hotel room and even had to wear them into the shower…lest we catch Athletes Foot. (We even called them “shower shoes”)
However, for breakfast we were served crackers with Cheese Whiz on them…so that we could save money by not eating in a touristy, expensive restaurant. While I understand the logic behind both, it just seems like such a juxtaposition to save a child’s soles in the evening while rotting her gut the next morning.
While I always enjoyed Disney, The Happiest Place on Earth and eagerly awaited riding on my favorite rides, it was the trips to Sea World that fed my junior soul.
The sea lions; how cute they were and how they could bark on cue. Huge and humorous looking because of their considerable girth, they could always make me laugh.
The sharks; how deadly they looked gliding through the water. To me their movement compared to the other fish looked like the aquatic version of the purposeful march of a blood-thirsty soldier next to the ambling walk of a civilian.
Once the new exhibitions at the park later opened I also loved the penguins, especially the ones with the adorable orange plumes on their heads (Rockhoppers), and the Moray Eels. The serpentine Morays were languid and mysterious…to this day scientists are unsure of some of their most private habits, like how they mate and bear young.
Of course there are the dolphins; the perennial crowd favorite. Lightly leaping, smiling and cavorting with their trainers. As much as they seemed to be everyone’s favorite sea mammal, they seemed just a tad too pedestrian to me. They lacked an edge.
Then, there are my favorite, the majestic, striking looking and awe-inspiring Killer Whales. Orcinus orca. Sea World has built their parks around this unlikely captive animal.
The Orca is actually the largest of the dolphin family. As such, they are not only very intelligent animals but also very social ones. In the wild, they typically reside in pods dominated by a matriarch and can live to be 90 years old. Their diet, depending on their social structure can be anything from fish to other marine mammals. They communicate…vociferously. They can plot and plan. And they are HUGE. An adult male can weigh in excess of 6 tons.
I felt a special bond when I learned during a trip to Sea World when I was just a few days past my 16th birthday that the first “Baby Shamu” had been born, just one day after my own. (It was only when confirming dates for this blog posting that I learned that it was the only captive Orca baby to survive longer than a few days.)
Later, when I lived in the Orlando area in my early twenties, I had a season pass to Sea World. I got to tour the exhibits at my leisure. I took in many ‘Shamu Shows.’ Back then, the park employees ignored you if you stayed in the stadium to watch the beautiful whales.
I remember, with great clarity, going up to the glass at the front of the empty stadium…where I caught the eye of one of the Orcas doing her laps. I raised my left arm and bent to my right. She did the same. (Well, actually her ‘arm’ was a fin) Next lap around she hesitated and did a “spy hop,” looking at me, a good portion of her bulk out of the water and over the glass. She settled and kind of slid back in and did another lap.
This time, when she came back around and stopped again, I was ready. Armed with the memory of the movements I had witnessed the trainers doing, I spun around and she copied me. We moved closer to each other and I saw the playfulness mixed with the intelligence in her eyes. I backed away and she did the same. I dipped my head down and then threw it back…then, I was completely doused with a mixture of salt water and whale spit. (I had asked for it!) She dove back into the water.
This close encounter coupled with my burgeoning knowledge of this amazing species served to turn me into a total Orca Whale groupie.
I have become a devotee of a certain artists, including the renowned Whaling Wall one, Wyland. I actually scheduled a vacation around watching him create his 13th mural in as many weeks in Key West in the early 90’s. I still love and covet his work today, even though I cannot afford it.
I belong to groups on Facebook who support and track our beautiful Orca whales in the wild. Lately, there have been many controversial posts about Tillicum, the Orca that has now been involved with 3 human deaths. (My opinions on that would be another whole post)
I have decorated my home with photos, mementos and bric-a-brac that all contain the ocean to some degree and more specifically, Orcas.
As some of my readers may know, I am Matron of Honor for a wedding this June. And, my MOH gift was a crystal rendition of my favorite marine mammal, in sparkling black and white.
More permanently, when I chose to ink my almost 40 year old aging body with a tattoo, it was with the image of an Orca and her baby, as a representation of myself and my daughter – done creatively by Mike Haugh, tattoo artist extraordinaire in Key West (well, Stock Island), FL. (The image in the beginning of this post)
Being an Orca lover has become part of me over the years…it is part of who I am.
Going to Victoria BC to see them is my number one fantasy destination.
At the end of the day, one of the things that resonates the most with me is something I read quite awhile ago.
All mammals originated in the ocean. Then they all crawled onto land. A few went back into the sea. The rest stayed.
Now I ask you, who was the wiser species?
While I always enjoyed Disney, The Happiest Place on Earth and eagerly awaited riding on my favorite rides, it was the trips to Sea World that fed my junior soul.
The sea lions; how cute they were and how they could bark on cue. Huge and humorous looking because of their considerable girth, they could always make me laugh.
The sharks; how deadly they looked gliding through the water. To me their movement compared to the other fish looked like the aquatic version of the purposeful march of a blood-thirsty soldier next to the ambling walk of a civilian.
Once the new exhibitions at the park later opened I also loved the penguins, especially the ones with the adorable orange plumes on their heads (Rockhoppers), and the Moray Eels. The serpentine Morays were languid and mysterious…to this day scientists are unsure of some of their most private habits, like how they mate and bear young.
Of course there are the dolphins; the perennial crowd favorite. Lightly leaping, smiling and cavorting with their trainers. As much as they seemed to be everyone’s favorite sea mammal, they seemed just a tad too pedestrian to me. They lacked an edge.
Then, there are my favorite, the majestic, striking looking and awe-inspiring Killer Whales. Orcinus orca. Sea World has built their parks around this unlikely captive animal.
The Orca is actually the largest of the dolphin family. As such, they are not only very intelligent animals but also very social ones. In the wild, they typically reside in pods dominated by a matriarch and can live to be 90 years old. Their diet, depending on their social structure can be anything from fish to other marine mammals. They communicate…vociferously. They can plot and plan. And they are HUGE. An adult male can weigh in excess of 6 tons.
I felt a special bond when I learned during a trip to Sea World when I was just a few days past my 16th birthday that the first “Baby Shamu” had been born, just one day after my own. (It was only when confirming dates for this blog posting that I learned that it was the only captive Orca baby to survive longer than a few days.)
Later, when I lived in the Orlando area in my early twenties, I had a season pass to Sea World. I got to tour the exhibits at my leisure. I took in many ‘Shamu Shows.’ Back then, the park employees ignored you if you stayed in the stadium to watch the beautiful whales.
I remember, with great clarity, going up to the glass at the front of the empty stadium…where I caught the eye of one of the Orcas doing her laps. I raised my left arm and bent to my right. She did the same. (Well, actually her ‘arm’ was a fin) Next lap around she hesitated and did a “spy hop,” looking at me, a good portion of her bulk out of the water and over the glass. She settled and kind of slid back in and did another lap.
This time, when she came back around and stopped again, I was ready. Armed with the memory of the movements I had witnessed the trainers doing, I spun around and she copied me. We moved closer to each other and I saw the playfulness mixed with the intelligence in her eyes. I backed away and she did the same. I dipped my head down and then threw it back…then, I was completely doused with a mixture of salt water and whale spit. (I had asked for it!) She dove back into the water.
This close encounter coupled with my burgeoning knowledge of this amazing species served to turn me into a total Orca Whale groupie.
I have become a devotee of a certain artists, including the renowned Whaling Wall one, Wyland. I actually scheduled a vacation around watching him create his 13th mural in as many weeks in Key West in the early 90’s. I still love and covet his work today, even though I cannot afford it.
I belong to groups on Facebook who support and track our beautiful Orca whales in the wild. Lately, there have been many controversial posts about Tillicum, the Orca that has now been involved with 3 human deaths. (My opinions on that would be another whole post)
I have decorated my home with photos, mementos and bric-a-brac that all contain the ocean to some degree and more specifically, Orcas.
As some of my readers may know, I am Matron of Honor for a wedding this June. And, my MOH gift was a crystal rendition of my favorite marine mammal, in sparkling black and white.
More permanently, when I chose to ink my almost 40 year old aging body with a tattoo, it was with the image of an Orca and her baby, as a representation of myself and my daughter – done creatively by Mike Haugh, tattoo artist extraordinaire in Key West (well, Stock Island), FL. (The image in the beginning of this post)
Being an Orca lover has become part of me over the years…it is part of who I am.
Going to Victoria BC to see them is my number one fantasy destination.
At the end of the day, one of the things that resonates the most with me is something I read quite awhile ago.
All mammals originated in the ocean. Then they all crawled onto land. A few went back into the sea. The rest stayed.
Now I ask you, who was the wiser species?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Last Friday I got up at 2:30 in the morning. My alarm was buzzing and my husband gently shook my arm. “Honey, the tickets are available,” he said. I shot upright, and staggered to the computer. Eureka! He was right. I had been stalking the Boca Raton Cinemark Theater site for the last two weeks, waiting for this very moment. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins and my hands were shaking as I clicked to purchase 16 of the highly coveted seats. I waited for the confirmation e-mail and then had to drink a cup of Sleepy Time tea to calm myself enough to go back to sleep for a couple of hours before the work day.
Why all the fuss and the sacrifice of sleep? Premier Tickets to see Sex and the City 2.
By saying ‘Premier,’ I am not referring to opening night. The movie will actually open the day before (which I find odd – what movie opens on a Thursday?) But for me, Premier means seeing the movie in a very posh fashion. Here in Boca, our movie theater has an upstairs restaurant, bar and theater. The seating is assigned and they are comfortable, plush love seats. There is real food and cocktails for purchase and free popcorn with an assortment of optional flavorings. I was first introduced to seeing a movie in this elite fashion by my friend Di when we saw Dreamgirls a few years ago. Since then I refer to seeing a movie in regular seats as ‘sitting in steerage.’
It was here that I saw the first Sex and the City (SATC) movie in 2008 with 7 other bright, beautiful women. This time around, I strived to bring even more lovely women to celebrate the movie with me. And after my early morning ticket buying – I stand triumphant.
I was late-comer in the game with regards to SATC the TV show. I rented the first season on DVD on a whim, intending the rental to be a balance and distraction for a Super Bowl Party and ended up watching it straight through. I absolutely fell in love with the characters and the writing. I was single at the time, and the story lines spoke to me in volumes.
After my first taste of the show on DVD, I upped my cable package with a subscription to HBO. Every Sunday night was eagerly awaited. Many times I hosted Cosmo nights at my humble little abode. (To this day, give me a good bottle of vodka, cranberry juice, Cointreau, a lime wedge and a shaker and I will make you the best Cosmopolitan you’ve ever had.)
When the finale of the show aired, me and one of my best friends sat crossed legged, inches from the TV as to not miss a minute. (And to drown out loud, playing children in the background.) Tears rolled down my face when Big announced to Carrie, “you’re the one.”
When the first SATC movie came out, I eagerly invited friends to share the experience with me. It was one of my best memories ever.
This time, I have upped the ante and there will be 15 other women with me, watching the ever important story line with me.
I am SO not a joiner, so I have wondered, what makes SATC so special to me?
Firstly, character association. I have taken several tests to determine which SATC character I am most like.
As much as I want it to be Samantha, most of the time, test results proclaim that I am Charlotte. The Do-gooder, the planner. The One Who Wants to Marry. (Egads- and please send help.) But, this association is not all bad. Charlotte is a sticky glue that keeps the girls together. Her Pollyannaish view of the world is not entirely unlike mine. I have a firm belief that everything will work out well – as it is supposed to.
Occasionally, I get the Carrie result. The writer. The one who documents for all of posterity.
But, I never end up with the result that I am like Miranda…even though her character (businesswoman) is a part of me as well.
To this day, my favorite scene from the HBO TV Show is the one where the four girls are having breakfast and Samantha says, “I am dating a guy with the funkiest tasting spunk.” There are quick camera angles of all of the girls exchanging looks…and then Charlotte gets up and leaves, shoving open the door of the restaurant purposefully. Miranda leans into Carrie and says in an ominous tone, “…and she’s never coming back!” I laughed out loud.
I love these fictitious women – with all of their faults and foibles.
These women represent all of us, in some way or another. It is the unending story of women’s friendships that keeps me hooked on SATC and keeps me coming back….year after year. And I am grateful beyond any words that I have women friends in my life. They (Rachel, Janna, Janet, Deb, et al) keep me sane.
How about you – which SATC character are you and why?
Why all the fuss and the sacrifice of sleep? Premier Tickets to see Sex and the City 2.
By saying ‘Premier,’ I am not referring to opening night. The movie will actually open the day before (which I find odd – what movie opens on a Thursday?) But for me, Premier means seeing the movie in a very posh fashion. Here in Boca, our movie theater has an upstairs restaurant, bar and theater. The seating is assigned and they are comfortable, plush love seats. There is real food and cocktails for purchase and free popcorn with an assortment of optional flavorings. I was first introduced to seeing a movie in this elite fashion by my friend Di when we saw Dreamgirls a few years ago. Since then I refer to seeing a movie in regular seats as ‘sitting in steerage.’
It was here that I saw the first Sex and the City (SATC) movie in 2008 with 7 other bright, beautiful women. This time around, I strived to bring even more lovely women to celebrate the movie with me. And after my early morning ticket buying – I stand triumphant.
I was late-comer in the game with regards to SATC the TV show. I rented the first season on DVD on a whim, intending the rental to be a balance and distraction for a Super Bowl Party and ended up watching it straight through. I absolutely fell in love with the characters and the writing. I was single at the time, and the story lines spoke to me in volumes.
After my first taste of the show on DVD, I upped my cable package with a subscription to HBO. Every Sunday night was eagerly awaited. Many times I hosted Cosmo nights at my humble little abode. (To this day, give me a good bottle of vodka, cranberry juice, Cointreau, a lime wedge and a shaker and I will make you the best Cosmopolitan you’ve ever had.)
When the finale of the show aired, me and one of my best friends sat crossed legged, inches from the TV as to not miss a minute. (And to drown out loud, playing children in the background.) Tears rolled down my face when Big announced to Carrie, “you’re the one.”
When the first SATC movie came out, I eagerly invited friends to share the experience with me. It was one of my best memories ever.
This time, I have upped the ante and there will be 15 other women with me, watching the ever important story line with me.
I am SO not a joiner, so I have wondered, what makes SATC so special to me?
Firstly, character association. I have taken several tests to determine which SATC character I am most like.
As much as I want it to be Samantha, most of the time, test results proclaim that I am Charlotte. The Do-gooder, the planner. The One Who Wants to Marry. (Egads- and please send help.) But, this association is not all bad. Charlotte is a sticky glue that keeps the girls together. Her Pollyannaish view of the world is not entirely unlike mine. I have a firm belief that everything will work out well – as it is supposed to.
Occasionally, I get the Carrie result. The writer. The one who documents for all of posterity.
But, I never end up with the result that I am like Miranda…even though her character (businesswoman) is a part of me as well.
To this day, my favorite scene from the HBO TV Show is the one where the four girls are having breakfast and Samantha says, “I am dating a guy with the funkiest tasting spunk.” There are quick camera angles of all of the girls exchanging looks…and then Charlotte gets up and leaves, shoving open the door of the restaurant purposefully. Miranda leans into Carrie and says in an ominous tone, “…and she’s never coming back!” I laughed out loud.
I love these fictitious women – with all of their faults and foibles.
These women represent all of us, in some way or another. It is the unending story of women’s friendships that keeps me hooked on SATC and keeps me coming back….year after year. And I am grateful beyond any words that I have women friends in my life. They (Rachel, Janna, Janet, Deb, et al) keep me sane.
How about you – which SATC character are you and why?
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Blogging and Gratitude
The last few days have been busy ones, and my opportunities to touch fingertips to key board have been scant. Responsibilities have bullied my brain and directed any chance I might have to write or blog towards other priorities.
However, I did want to get back out into the blogosphere to say Thank You. To my writing coach, who has encouraged my fledgling creative process; to Di, who put my words onto page that she contributes to ( and to anyone who has taken the time to read what I have written, in my own little corner of the world wide web. I am humbled by the hits, the comments and warm e-mails that I have received. Though I read many blogs and am quite gifted at finding ANYTHING online, I am quite the neophyte when it comes to blogging for myself.
I have had great examples in the last several years with respects to blogging. After receiving accolades on mine recently, I did start to think about the ones that have inspired me. Regularly, I will pull up these blogs – some of the authors of are strangers to me and some are friends. I read them with great anticipation, while enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning, not unlike sitting down to read the local newspaper. I frequently refer back to some favorite posts, as well. I truly believe that anything worth reading once, is worth reading again. (Just ask the numerous shelves of my dog-eared and well loved books.) I do comment occasionally.
As a shout out and with gratitude, these are the blogs that have inspired me; hence another list. Di’s blog. It was the first one that I started to read and keep up with regularly. Initially, her blog was focused on books she had read and her reviews of them. How nervous I was to make the initial book recommendation to her! Di’s book reviews on her blog were interspersed with tales of her family life, which were always entertaining, lively and succinct. It was because of her voice via the written word and our shared love of books, that I fell in “friend love” with her – which has now spanned in time 4 years and 4 states in distance. My friend and former co-worker Cathy’s blog. After she exited corporate, Cathy and her photographer husband, Dick traveled extensively, driving for much of it domestically and then flying abroad. Cathy’s posts are always stirring and Dick’s photos complement her words evocatively. They have recently settled in a little town in AZ, and I am anticipatory for the stories their new grounded life will bring. Stephanie O'Dea resolved to use her Slow Cooker every day for one year beginning January 1, 2008. As an employee of the company that makes the most famous brand of Slow Cookers, I followed her blog almost religiously. She came up with some fabulous, creative recipes that year and has continued to share new dishes since then. She has now appeared on Rachael Ray and some morning shows, all the while bringing awareness to the brand that I work for and the art of Slow Cooking My friend Di (see above) recommended this blog to me as Jen and I were planning our weddings at pretty much the same time in 2006 / 2007. I have enjoyed reading Jen’s takes on her wedding plans, the day itself, being a Mom, buying a home and most recently, being unemployed. Jen has a very real and honest voice that resonates. Kristen Chase is an unorthodox voice for mommies. She tells is like it is with no holds barred about motherhood, breastfeeding, being a wife, in-laws (dubbed “sin-laws”) and sex. Reading her blog will remind you of the time you split a bottle of wine with a good friend and let the epitaphs fly. She also hosts a radio show about having a spicy bedroom life…while being a parent. (Okay so this is more an “official website” than a blog, but I still love it.) Chad Dressen is just a regular mid-western guy, with a knack for catching his two dogs (a female Doberman, Ramsey and a male Chihuahua, Pablo) doing hilarious things on film. I tuned into his youtube videos just as their popularity was turning into a phenomenon. I am even more of a fan as Chad has turned the popularity of the pups into an opportunity to promote animal activism. My writing coach’s blog. For quite awhile, I had been struggling with how to incorporate and / or manage the creative writer within me. Cricket only posts every so often, but her words are always meaningful and evocative. This inspiring woman has gently prodded me onto a creative path…of writing. Writing has always been in my character, but it just took a wise soul to help me get it out. She is extremely artistic, in many venues and is always an inspiration. I admire her not only for her writing, but also for the person / woman / mother / partner that she is. I am also very grateful for the guidance she has provided me.
My choices in blog reading may be a bit eclectic – but that’s probably in keeping with my personality. I am always open to reading more, so I ask you, what are your favorite blogs? And why do you read them?
And again, I humbly thank you for reading mine.
However, I did want to get back out into the blogosphere to say Thank You. To my writing coach, who has encouraged my fledgling creative process; to Di, who put my words onto page that she contributes to ( and to anyone who has taken the time to read what I have written, in my own little corner of the world wide web. I am humbled by the hits, the comments and warm e-mails that I have received. Though I read many blogs and am quite gifted at finding ANYTHING online, I am quite the neophyte when it comes to blogging for myself.
I have had great examples in the last several years with respects to blogging. After receiving accolades on mine recently, I did start to think about the ones that have inspired me. Regularly, I will pull up these blogs – some of the authors of are strangers to me and some are friends. I read them with great anticipation, while enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning, not unlike sitting down to read the local newspaper. I frequently refer back to some favorite posts, as well. I truly believe that anything worth reading once, is worth reading again. (Just ask the numerous shelves of my dog-eared and well loved books.) I do comment occasionally.
As a shout out and with gratitude, these are the blogs that have inspired me; hence another list. Di’s blog. It was the first one that I started to read and keep up with regularly. Initially, her blog was focused on books she had read and her reviews of them. How nervous I was to make the initial book recommendation to her! Di’s book reviews on her blog were interspersed with tales of her family life, which were always entertaining, lively and succinct. It was because of her voice via the written word and our shared love of books, that I fell in “friend love” with her – which has now spanned in time 4 years and 4 states in distance. My friend and former co-worker Cathy’s blog. After she exited corporate, Cathy and her photographer husband, Dick traveled extensively, driving for much of it domestically and then flying abroad. Cathy’s posts are always stirring and Dick’s photos complement her words evocatively. They have recently settled in a little town in AZ, and I am anticipatory for the stories their new grounded life will bring. Stephanie O'Dea resolved to use her Slow Cooker every day for one year beginning January 1, 2008. As an employee of the company that makes the most famous brand of Slow Cookers, I followed her blog almost religiously. She came up with some fabulous, creative recipes that year and has continued to share new dishes since then. She has now appeared on Rachael Ray and some morning shows, all the while bringing awareness to the brand that I work for and the art of Slow Cooking My friend Di (see above) recommended this blog to me as Jen and I were planning our weddings at pretty much the same time in 2006 / 2007. I have enjoyed reading Jen’s takes on her wedding plans, the day itself, being a Mom, buying a home and most recently, being unemployed. Jen has a very real and honest voice that resonates. Kristen Chase is an unorthodox voice for mommies. She tells is like it is with no holds barred about motherhood, breastfeeding, being a wife, in-laws (dubbed “sin-laws”) and sex. Reading her blog will remind you of the time you split a bottle of wine with a good friend and let the epitaphs fly. She also hosts a radio show about having a spicy bedroom life…while being a parent. (Okay so this is more an “official website” than a blog, but I still love it.) Chad Dressen is just a regular mid-western guy, with a knack for catching his two dogs (a female Doberman, Ramsey and a male Chihuahua, Pablo) doing hilarious things on film. I tuned into his youtube videos just as their popularity was turning into a phenomenon. I am even more of a fan as Chad has turned the popularity of the pups into an opportunity to promote animal activism. My writing coach’s blog. For quite awhile, I had been struggling with how to incorporate and / or manage the creative writer within me. Cricket only posts every so often, but her words are always meaningful and evocative. This inspiring woman has gently prodded me onto a creative path…of writing. Writing has always been in my character, but it just took a wise soul to help me get it out. She is extremely artistic, in many venues and is always an inspiration. I admire her not only for her writing, but also for the person / woman / mother / partner that she is. I am also very grateful for the guidance she has provided me.
My choices in blog reading may be a bit eclectic – but that’s probably in keeping with my personality. I am always open to reading more, so I ask you, what are your favorite blogs? And why do you read them?
And again, I humbly thank you for reading mine.
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